The University of Kentucky is part of a new Tier 1 University Transportation Center that will advance research and education programs that address critical transportation challenges facing the United States. Its center, The Transit – Serving Communities Optimally, Responsively, and Efficiently (T-SCORE) Center, aims to define a set of strategic visions that will guide public transportation into a sustainable and resilient future, and to equip local planners with the tools needed to translate their chosen vision into their own community.
What will transportation in the United States look like as precautions designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are lifted? Forecasting and ensuring that money is being wisely spent is going to be particularly important in light of COVID-19. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s (NCHRP) report, Traffic Forecasting Accuracy Assessment Research, is designed to help improve the accuracy, reliability, and utility of project-level traffic forecasts. The Transportation Research Board recently highlighted the importance of this research by Greg Erhardt and Jawad Hoque.
Recent research by Michael Graehler, Greg Erhardt and Alex Mucci found that the introduction of ride-hailing in is US cities is correlated with declining public transit ridership. Streetsblog, CityLab and others covered this research and its implications for sustainability.
Sneha Roy has been named a 2018 Traffic Safety Scholar (TSS) and awarded a $1,000 scholarship to attend the 37th annual National Lifesavers Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, April 22-24 in San Antonio, TX. Roy, who is pursuing a PhD in Civil Engineering is one of 50 U.S. and international college students selected through a competitive application process. The Lifesavers Conference showcases the latest research, evidence-based strategies, proven countermeasures, and promising new approaches for addressing the nation’s most pressing traffic safety problems.
UK PhD student Alex Mucci was named awarded a Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship. Thhe program advances the transportation workforce by helping to attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation, encouraging future transportation professionals to seek advanced degrees, and helping to retain top talent in the U.S. transportation industry.